Posts tagged instagram
Those Jam Jar Moments

Have you ever found yourself in a moment that was so perfect you felt too frightened to even breathe for fear it might be broken? A brief, profound instant when you felt completely aligned and in harmony with your surroundings? So submerged that it seemed as though the physical world had paused around you? These moments of utter contentment are so fleeting and most of the time we never really remember them. We cherish the moment and then move on to the next chapter of the day, often without a backward glance. Whilst these brief, beatific seconds don’t tell the full story of our lives, they are like tiny snippets of colourful fabrics, which when sewn together create a quilt, a glimpse of our journeys and heritages. Over the years we have found many ways to record our daily lives, from ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs to the advent of photography, each of us documenting our lives and the societies in which we have lived to help fill the history books.

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A Life by Numbers

Like most people, I also know exactly where I was when news of the tragic death of Princess Diana broke. My husband and I were living in Cyprus at the time. We were driving to the outdoor pool when the announcement came across the radio. We neither of us spoke. Again, like most of us, I know precisely what I was doing when the World Trade Towers were hit. I was a few weeks away from giving birth to Eliza and I was resting on the sofa when the programme I was watching was interrupted. I couldn't take it in. I kept watching the footage and then gasped in horror as the second tower was hit before my eyes. As I cupped my arms around my huge bump, I knew that the world was never going to be the same again. And yet with all of these memories, both wonderful and horrific, not only do I know where I was or how old I was, I also know exactly how much I weighed. 

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